
[키보드 잡담] 키보드 다리는 손목 건강에 나쁘다 - 타이핑 건강

Unknown9 2020. 10. 8. 13:29



키보드에 세우는 다리의 용도 : 클리앙

키보드를 뒤집어 보면 키보드 높이를 조절하는 다리가 있습니다 가끔 이걸 조절해서 높여쓰는 분들이 있는데 이건 키보드 자판을 못외웠을때 확인하기 위한 용도입니다(키보드 자판을 잘보기 �


위 글의 내용 중에..

"인체공학 키보드들은 오히려 위로 갈수록 경사가 보통 내려가도록 되어 있습니다"


그러하다 왜 그동안 키보드 다리를 올리고 사용하고 있었을까?





손목의 불필요한 긴장을 피하기 위해서 키보드 다리는 접어라.

키보드가 너무 단단하기 않게 하라 -> 풀 알루는 어쩌란 말인가? ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ



1. Use a light touch when typing (don't bang on the keyboard!). ->키보드 살살 쳐라
Try to use the minimum amount of force necessary to depress the keys. The tendons from your fingers connect near your elbow, so striking the keys too hard can lead to problems you might not associate with your keyboard-for example, pain and inflammation in your elbows (Epicondylitis).

2. Keep your wrists in a neutral (straight) position—not bent up or down. - 자연스러운 손목 위치 유지
Repeatedly bending your wrists up and down (extension and flexion) compresses structures inside the carpal tunnel in the wrist. This can cause pain and lead to injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. When you're typing, your forearms tend to sag as the arms tire, putting the wrists into even greater wrist extension-another good reason to take frequent stretch or rest breaks!

3. Keep sure your elbows at a slightly open angle-90˚ or greater. - 팔꿈치를 90도나 그보다 더 크게
Keeping your elbows bent less than 90° can cause nerve compression, leading to sore wrists and arms. Adjust the height of your chair or your keyboard tray to achieve a comfortable position.

4. Keep your shoulders relaxed, and your elbows at your side. - 어깨는 긴장을 풀고 팔꿈치를 붙여라.
You shouldn't have to raise your shoulders to get your hands to reach the keyboard-try raising your chair instead. Your forearms should be roughly parallel to the floor. If your chair has armrests, the armrests should comfortably support your elbows during rest breaks.

5. Don't use wrist rests or armrests while typing-only while resting. - 손목 보호대 나 암레스트를 쓰지 마라
If your workstation has wrist rests or armrests, be sure to use them only while  taking breaks. Never use wrist rests or armrests while typing. A wrist rest should be used to rest the heel of your palm, not your wrist itself.

6. Stay centered on the lettered part of the keyboard. - 문자열을 중심으로 가게 하라. 
Keyboards aren't symmetrical. Letter keys are on the left and the numeric keypad is on the right, but most people center themselves with the entire keyboard or keyboard tray-not the letters! This puts the keyboard a little too far to the left. If you use the letters most, it makes sense to align yourself with that section—the "B" key should be about in line with your belly button.

7. Consider using a voice recognition software program. - 음성 인식 프로그램을 쓰도록 고려하라
Voice recognition programs allow you to dictate to your computer and free yourself from the keyboard. There are a number of commercially available programs. Be aware, however, that this can lead to new problems such as voice loss!

8. Consider using keyboard shortcuts or macros to repeat common tasks. - 단축키나, 매크로를 써라.
Many of the commands available through menu choices can also be accomplished by using the keyboard. (For example, Ctrl-C can be used to copy text.). Some programs also allow you to automate common tasks (such as formatting a document or inserting your address) with scripts called macros. You can even buy software programs that allow you to easily record macros for any software and assign complex key sequences. These can significantly reduce the amount of typing you need to do.



1. 키보드 다리는 접어라.

2. 팜레스트나 암레스트는 쓰지 마라.

3. 자연스러운 자세에서 글자를 가운데 두고 써라.

4. 키보드 많이 치치 마라. ㅠㅠ.


이렇게 요약이 된다. 팜레스트 두 개나 샀는데...


다리는 당장 접었고, 고압 키보드를 피해야겠다. ㅠㅠ 흑축이 좋고, 토프레 스위치가 좋은데, 이걸 어쩌나...?


문득 매일 단단한 돌에 손가락을 치면 어떻게 되겠는지 생각을 해보았다. 부드러운 키보드를 쳐야겠다.


게이트론 저소음 백축과 저소음 갈축을 업무로 쓰는 게 좋겠다. FC660C는 집에 가자.


다리는 접읍시다.